Donate a car. Change a life.
$700 minimum tax receipt

Why donate your car, truck or SUV? It’s simple!  Donating supports those who are unhoused or food insecure in your hometown.

Let’s get started.

Please complete this short form and a member of our team will contact you. Or call us anytime to speak to a live agent.


Donating an unwanted car is quick and hassle-free.

Call us

Call us or fill out our donation form.

We pick up your car fast

We pick up your car — fast, contactless and free of charge

We email you a receipt

We email you
minimum $700 tax receipt.

CharitieS We Support

Toronto Greater Area:
Seeds of Hope, Ve’ahavta, North York Harvest Food Bank

Hamilton Greater Area:
Good Shepherd, Interval House, Hamilton Out of the Cold, 541

Siloam Mission 

Alpha House Society, Calgary Food Bank

Boyle Street Community Services, Edmonton’s Food Bank

